• Deep Clean


    - Bedrooms

    - Bathrooms,

    - Kitchen

    - Communal Areas and Hallways

    - Wipe Surfaces

    - Vacuuming and Mopping

    - Dusting and Polishing

    - Window and Mirror Cleaning

    - Tidying and Organising

    - Washing Dishes

    - Cabinet Cleaning

    - Scrubbing and Disinfecting

    - Emptying Bins

    - Special Requests

    Additional Costs

    - Oven Clean

    - Fridge and Freezer Clean

    - Washing Machine Clean

    - Microwave Clean

    - Dishwasher Clean

  • Maintenance Clean


    - Bedrooms

    - Bathrooms

    - Kitchen

    - Communal Areas

    - Wipe Surfaces

    - Vacuuming and Mopping

    - Dusting and Polishing

    - Tidying and Organising

    - Washing Dishes

    - Scrubbing

    Additional Costs

    - Special Requests

  • Afterparty Clean


    - Binning Bottles

    - Wipe Surfaces

    - Vacuuming and Mopping

    - Tidying and Organising

    - Scrubbing and Disinfecting

    - Emptying Bins

    Additional Costs

    - Special Requests

    - Sanitising and Decontamination

  • Recurring Clean


    - Bedrooms

    - Bathrooms

    - Kitchen

    - Communal Areas

    - Wipe Surfaces

    - Vacuuming and Mopping

    - Dusting and Polishing

    - Tidying and Organising

    - Washing Dishes

    - Scrubbing

    Additional Costs

    - Special Requests